Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Our Other IMOT Resources

In the entries below, you can read all about the wonderful equipment at our disposal. What we haven’t touched on yet, however are our people and the interdisciplinary teamwork that occurs here.

You see, in this one clinical setting we have speech/language pathology, occupational therapy, hippotherapy (therapy while riding a horse) as well as IMOT and traditional physical therapy. Since these departments are close at hand, our clients have the opportunity to utilize them as part of a more effective intensive therapy program.
At MMPT, we genuinely care about the outcomes our clients realize, and work hard to maximize the resulting benefits.

You know, I’ve heard it said by the parent of one of our IMOT kids that we are “expert motivators”. That said, we accept nothing less than the best efforts from our clients as well as ourselves and hope to help more and more people live fuller lives through our expert service and through God’s grace.

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