Friday, December 28, 2007

Do You Need Hope for Your Spouse or Child?

“…Your heart must ever cherish some faith at any cost, some hope, some dream to cling to, some rainbow in the sky, some melody to sing to, some service that is high.”

-Harriet Du Autermon-

It’s unfortunate that the parents of many special needs and learning disabled children prematurely lose hope and resign themselves to accept their child’s limitations as permanent. MMPT asks you not to do that until you bring your child to our clinic.

You see, we at Melanie Massey Physical Therapy offer hope to parents of children afflicted with a wide range of disorders. From children with learning disabilities to those profoundly affected by mental and/or physical defect, MMPT’s Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology departments can affect positive changes in the kids we serve, even after they seemed to reach a progress plateau at other facilities.

With physical therapy, we offer cutting edge approaches and techniques to improve our kids, and in turn, their parents quality of life. One such approach is known as the Intensive Model of Therapy also known as IMOT.

IMOT is a state of the art intensive therapy program which, if implemented, would be tailored to your child’s specific needs and goals. Our IMOT program has a proven track record of getting results where traditional therapy programs seemed to have reached their full potential. Please contact our office to learn more about our IMOT program.

In addition to all the functionally challenged kids we help in our Occupational Therapy department we also offer hope to parents of academically challenged children. With our cutting edge programs such as Brain Train, visiovestibular program, and therapeutic listening, we address concentration and attention disorders, as well as visual perception and sensory motor issues the result of which results in improved academic performance.

We are often complemented by parents who say they had little or no success in other programs, but observed significant improvements in their children’s school work through our efforts.

In our Speech Language Pathology (SLP) department, the parents of our children (just as with the other departments) often make progress here where little to no progress was noted elsewhere. Ultimately, it’s our dedicated professional staff that makes the difference in the lives of our kids and their parents.

If hope for your child’s future has diminished because of a lack of progress elsewhere, you can be assured that we can be your rainbow in the sky and your dream to hold on to. To that end, we are dedicated to the high service of helping, and have the utmost faith in our ability to affect positive changes in the children we serve. Please feel free to contact us and schedule an in-house tour. Speaking with our staff, and observing us in action may be all it takes to give you hope enough to persevere.

Melanie Massey's Interdisciplinary Approach

You heard the adage, “Two heads are better than one.” Well here at Melanie Massey Physical Therapy, we take the phrase to heart, and put all our heads together, maximizing outcomes for our kids and adults. We are able to do this since we have the advantages of Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Language Pathology (SLP) located in the same clinical setting.

By taking advantage of this situation when ever possible, we become better able to improve our kid’s outcomes by making selected individual department goals, common goals. `To that end, our PT department often provides stable goal directed positioning of patients while OT and SLP works more effectively toward their individual goals.

For example, if one of our kids with Cerebral Palsy is positioned by the PT for lower extremity weight bearing in a freedom stander, instead of simply standing there doing nothing, our PT and/or OT finds this is a perfect opportunity to work with the child on upper extremity strength and control, or manipulations of objects at midline or any number of goals involving the trunk, upper extremity and or head. Additionally, depending on the child’s particular needs, the SLP could use this standing time to address his/her goals as well. In another instance, the physical therapist might simply encourage counting vocalizations by the child paying particular attention to SLP goals.

Here’s another example of our interdisciplinary approach: In the OT clinic, the therapist may want a child to gain trunk control which is necessary in donning a shirt. In the PT clinic, the therapist may want the same child to improve trunk stability, improving his/her ability to ambulate with a walker. Here, the OT and the PT, depending on the situation, might work together addressing trunk control/stability (eliminating duplication of services) allowing more time for working on the functional tasks of dressing and ambulation.

Sometimes, since physical therapy is often much more strenuous than Occupational therapy and Speech Language pathology, we’ll arrange our sessions based on the clients tolerance making physical therapy the last session of that child’s day, which helps ensure better participation in the other departments.

When situations warrant, we work with doctors to safely maximize our influence on client goals as related to functional performance of speech, OT, and PT goals. That said, we give the utmost attention to client medical history and medications which could have a significant impact on the methods we use to provide treatment.

At MMPT, every effort is made to address parental concerns and build lasting relationships with children and parents alike. Feel free to contact our clinic to arrange an in-house tour where you can meet our wonderful staff and see for yourself how effective a well established interdisciplinary approach can be for your child.